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My body, my baby
Introduction to My Body, My Baby
4 fundamental principles
A bit of physiology (23:04)
SECTION 1: Starting with you
Introduction to section one
What is your story?
Previous births
What choices can I make?
Am I being reasonable?
Dealing with stress & worry (9:47)
TASK: What helps me?
What's important to me
SECTION 2: Working with your care providers
Misconceptions about maternity care
Wonder Woman
Tips for managing appointments
Using your BRAIN
More useful phrases
The time iron entered my soul
SECTION 4: Being ready
Goodbye good girl, hello Mama Bear
Have your found your path?
Still stuck?
Good luck!
Additional resources
Birth rights
Home birth
Midwife led unit/birth centre
Water birth
Caesarean birth
Birth partners
Previous caesarean birth
'Older mothers'
Big baby
Small baby
Gestational diabetes
Group B Strep
Home birth
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